Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It Isn't Ours

Over the past week or so, I have been reminded that everything that I have isn't mine.  Everything I have belongs to the Lord.  He's the only reason why I am where I am, doing what I'm doing, and have what I have.
This past Sunday morning I went to go get gas.  When I arrived at the gas station, there was a U-haul truck, a BMW, and a super fancy Mercedes.  As soon as I pulled up to the pump and got out of my car (which was next to the Mercedes) the man from the U-haul truck came by and asked if I could give him some gas money.  As this guy was talking to me, I could tell that the older gentlemen in the Mercedes was listening in on this conversation.  I told the U-haul guy I would be glad to help and as soon as I started my gas pump, I went over to his, put my card, and started pumping his gas.  I didn't ask the man's story, but from what he said, it seemed that they had recently been evicted and were just living out of the u-haul for now until they found a place to live.  I told the man to pump as much gas as he needed and he only pumped $35 worth.  When he was done he was greatly appreciative and tried to shake my hand a give me a hug but I was way too sweaty for any of that non sense.  
When I walked back to my car the older man in the mercedes was waiting for me.  Mercedes man was on his way to church by the way.  He thanked me for what I did and then handed me $10.  I wouldn't accept it from him.  He told me that he felt guilty for not helping the man out and was encouraged to see me help him.  He asked what made me want to help the guy and I told him that the money doesn't really belong to me.  The Lord has given it to me to bless others.  The money isn't mine to keep.  It felt good to encourage another believer to realize everything we have isn't ours and it was nice to bless someone in need, even if it isn't much.  
The purpose of this post isn't to say "hey look what i did" but to remind myself and everyone to be sensitive to the needs of others and find someone to show them Father's love.  Way to many times I drive by homeless people and make a huge effort not to make eye contact with them and I never give them money.  I see people at the grocery store who could use a little extra help with carrying their groceries or even paying for them but I never offer my help to them. 
My prayer is that I will not be so consumed with myself that I miss daily opportunities to minister to others.  

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